AAAC 50th Anniversary Recap
November 16-18, 2012
AAAC 50th Anniversary Pin
Access Ann Arbor taping at CTN studios
Ypsilanti Heritage Festival
AAAC 50th Anniversary Pin
The Countdown
In anticipation of the Chapter Anniversary and Sorority Centenial, Ann Arbor Alumnae members ensured that Delta was visible in the community with participation in local events including the Ypsilanti Heritage Festival, Memorial day and July 4th parades, and the NAACP Juneteenth festival. Soror Carole Gibson of Another Ann Arbor interviewed chapter leadership and Project Fortitude Inc for an episode of Access Ann Arbor at CTN studios.
Sisterhood Soiree
Sisterhood Soiree
Service Project - "A Career Preparation Experience"
Sisterhood Soiree
Sisterhood Soiree & Service Project
The celebration weekend officially kicked off with the Sisterhood Soiree - Ann Arbor Alumnae welcomed and reunited with sorors from all over the country for a night filled with games, smiles and fellowship.
The following day, we met with a full house of youth at Park Ridge Community Center for our Service Project: "A Career Preparation Experience". This interactive agenda featured stations with professionals of varying academic backgrounds and work experience to demonstrate multiple routes to success.
What a night!! The 50th Anniversary Gala featured a special choir, historical displays, video legacy presentations, tributes to our charter members, and a parade of past presidents. The memories from these events and dancing the night away with our sorors, friends & family made for a truly "Unforgettable Evening with Delta"!

Worship Service & Brunch
With prayer and thanksgiving, Ann Arbor Alumnae began our next 50 years together with morning worship at Triumph Church (Canton), followed by an incredible and inspiring address from 24th National President Cynthia Marie Antoinette Butler-McIntyre at the closing brunch.